Translation Comparison

This translation has as its goal to be a very readable text that flows from one book to another while preserving much of the Jewish flavor, especially the Jewishness of Y’shua, and much of the power in the Hebrew and Greek expressions.


One New Man Translation NIV
Gn. 15:6.And he believed in the LORD*, and He counted it to him for acts of loving kindness. Gn 15:6 Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.
Gn. 18:19. For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him and they will keep the Way of the LORD*, to do acts of loving kindness and judgment, so the LORD* may bring upon Abraham that which He has spoken of him.” Gn 18:19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him.
Gn. 24:12. And he said, “LORD* God of my master Abraham, Make something happen right in front of me today, and act gracefully with my master. Gn 24:12 Then he prayed, “LORD, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham.
Priestly Blessing Priestly Blessing
Nu. 6:22. And the LORD* spoke to Moses saying,23. “Speak to Aaron and to his sons saying, In this way you will bless the children of Israel, saying to them,24. ‘The LORD* will bless you and He will keep you.25. The LORD* will make His face to shine upon you and He will be gracious to you.26. The LORD* will lift His countenance to you and He will establish Shalom for you.’ 27. And they will put My name upon the children of Israel and I will bless them.” Nu 6:22 The LORD said to Moses, 23 “Tell Aaron and his sons, ‘This is how you are to bless the Israelites. Say to them: 24 “‘“The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; 26 the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace.”’
Ex. 7:16. And you will say to him, ‘The LORD* God of the Hebrews has sent me to you saying, Send My people away! So they can serve Me in the wilderness. And behold, till now you would not listen. Ex 7:16 Then say to him, ‘The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to say to you: Let my people go, so that they may worship me in the wilderness. But until now you have not listened.
Amos 3:3. Can two walk together unless they meet?! Amos 3:3 Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?
Ps. 19:15. The words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be acceptable in Your sight, LORD*, my Rock and my Redeemer. Ps. 19:14 May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Ps. 150:6. Everyone who has breath will praise the LORD*! HalleluYah! Ps. 150:6 Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.

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  1. Please can you supply me the contact information for the South African distributor of the ONM bible.

    Many thanks
    Nadine van Aswegen

  2. Hi.
    I would also like to order a One New Man Bible in South Africa.

    Would you please put me in contact with a local distributor?

    Thanks and blessings!


  3. Hello. I am also from South Africa and would like to purchase the One New Man Bible. Any updates on where I can find a distributor?

    God bless you

    • Shalom Terri-Ann,

      There is a distributor in South Africa, so I will send your email to the publisher and he will give you the particulars.

      blessings, Bill

      • Hi I am looking fore a one new man bible in south Africa can you maybe help me to

    • Hi Terry,
      We’re working on this. Hopefully when the Bibles are available again in late December. Stay tuned!

  4. Good day ,

    Just would like to find out how I would go about ordering here in South Africa .

    Do you have any retailers or distributors ?

    • Shalom Pieter,

      The publisher will contact you to give you the name of the distributor.

      Blessings, Bill

      • Good day Morford,

        The publisher didn’t contact me yet.

        • Shalom Pieter,

          I will send a reminder this morning.

          Blessings, Bill

        • Hi Pieter,

          Have you heard from the publisher yet. Also looking for it in South Africa

          • Hi Brendon,
            I’ll send you the contact information via email regarding where you may be able to purchase the ONM Bible in ZA. Sending individual copies via postal service to some addresses in ZA has been challenging. The postal charges are expensive and when packages fail to arrive, the is no recourse for the customer or for us. Unfortunately, we can no longer ship individual orders to ZA via post. We are working on alternate arrangements now, including a ZA distributor.
            Thanks and Blessings,

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