One New Man Bible
Revealing Jewish Roots and Power

Rev. William J. Morford graduated from Hobart College in 1953 and was a member of the 1955 class of the University of Minnesota’s graduate school in hospital administration. Until 1989 Mr. Morford owned and operated a medical administration services company in South Carolina.
He was ordained in August 1988 by Christian International of Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, served on staff as student advisor for Christian International School of Theology and is a Certified Instructor to teach Christian International’s series on the prophetic gifts.
From 1993 through 1999, Reverend Morford studied Hebrew under Rabbi Eliezer Ben-Yehuda, grandson of the Eliezer Ben-Yehuda whose lifetime work made Modern Hebrew the national language of Israel.
Reverend Morford and his wife, Gwen have traveled to Israel several times and expect their ministry to take them back for extended periods.
He is the editor of the popular One New Man Bible translation and the translator of The Power New Testament. He has written seven books; God’s Rhythm of Life, This God We Serve, and One New Man Bible Companion Volumes I, II, III, and IV, and Myths of the Bible.
Glimpses Into The Spirit Realm
Eternal Life is not physical, as some may think. Living in the Spirit Realm will be very different from life on Earth, for instance, the food in ETERNAL LIFE is Spiritual! For the Kingdom of God is not food and drink, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Roman 14:17)
The First Man was made in the flesh, physical. Y’shua was made both Physical and Spiritual. We are made in His image. We are to become more and more like Him, the One Who now lives in the Spirit.
The Spirit Realm is three-dimensional, so all the Angels and God Himself are three-dimensional, as are the Third Temple and New Jerusalem!
This book details much of the interaction of our Physical Realm with the Spirit Realm, with the Spiritual coming to interact with us, often with a prophet, but also often with just an average human being. Sometimes the LORD Himself intervenes. We think of the Physical world as the Real world, but the Spirit world is every bit as Real as the Physical. We have to Trust to understand the Spiritual.
Hebrews 11:1. And Trust is being confident of things hoped for, proof of things not seen.
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Every Prophet In The Bible: Genesis Through Revelation
Can you count all the prophets in the Bible?
We know from Sunday School that the “Major Prophets” are Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, and Daniel. But Lamentations isn’t a prophet; it’s a book, probably written by Jeremiah, so we can only count him once. That’s four so far. The “Minor Prophets” include Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. That’s twelve, so we’re up to sixteen. How about Samuel, Elijah, Elisha, and David? That’s four more; now we’ve got twenty prophets in the Bible.
What if I told you there are at least fifty-four prophets in the Bible?
Did you know that six prophets didn’t even have their names mentioned? Twelve prophets appear in the New Testament, and one of those spans both.
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One New Man Bible
The One New Man Bible brings a greater understanding of and appreciation for the power given to believers for their daily walk. This translation brings out the expression of the Hebrew language, brings out much of the power that has commonly been omitted from traditional English translations.
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One New Man Bible Companion Library
The One New Man Bible Companion, Volumes I, II, III, and IV are the perfect study companions for the One New Man Bible.
1,200 pages and more than 900 indexed subjects between these three volumes!
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The Power New Testament
The Power New Testament is a fresh translation of the Fourth Edition United Bible Society Greek Text, bringing out the power in the Greek language that is frequently overlooked in other English translations. The Power New Testament also translates commonly missed Hebrew idioms and explains Jewish customs, bringing a greater understanding of and appreciation for the Jewish roots of Christianity.
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Myths of the Bible
Myths of the Bible explores 189 myths; beliefs, assumptions, and mistranslations in most modern English language Bibles.
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God's Rhythm of Life/This God We Serve
God’s Rhythm of Life explains the Seasons of the Lord (the Biblical Feasts) as given in Leviticus 23.
This God We Serve is an inspiring compilation of names and characteristics of God.