Abraham in many Bibles is called a friend of God, but that is not anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures.

Abraham “who loves God”
Isaiah 41:8. “But you, Israel, are My servant; Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, who loves Me.”
Even some dictionaries and lexicons say that the Hebrew word Ohavi means “my friend,” listing Ohavi as a noun. Ohavi is a verb, present tense, meaning “loves Me.” In 2 Chronicles 20:7. Are You not our God, Who drove out the inhabitants of this land before Your people Israel and gave it forever to the seed of Abraham, who loves You?
The Hebrew word in this verse is Ohav’kha, a verb meaning “loves You” but again with some dictionaries and lexicons citing Ohav’kha as a noun when it is a verb, present tense. If you see “My friend” or “Your friend,” use whiteout and put in “loves Me” or “loves You.”
(excerpted from the One New Man Bible Companion)
The word “Love” in Hebrew has a the “a” vowel but is pronounced as an “o” sound and means love. Someone way back really mistranslated this word be “friend”- a friend definition of relationship is different from “he loves me”- thank you for translating this right- it gives a deeper meaning to the scripture!
Shalom Liesha,
Thank you fro writing and for your comment.
Blessings, Bill
Greetings! Just curious, is James 2:23 a myth? I know that’s not in the Hebrew Scripture, but it is in the Bible. I enjoy your work and have been blessed in studying the ONM Bible and glossary. Thanks!
Shalom DJ,
Jacob grew up with Hebrew as his first language so he knew that ohavi meant loves Me in Isa 41:8. and ohavekha meant loves You in 2 Chr. 20:7. Jacob knew the Hebrew Scriptures, but it is possible he wrote to the twelve tribes in Hebrew, with some else translating the letter into Greek. That person could the source of “friend” making the same mistake the translator of the Latin text made.