The idea of having a Mansion in Heaven is a Myth because the Latin word “Mansiones” was not translated, but put in the Bible as Mansion.
“Mansiones” does not mean Mansion, but it means a place, like a place in an organization or on a team. It also means dwelling, but not in a mansion.
John 14:2 In My Father’s house are many dwelling places: and if it were not so, would I tell you that I am going to prepare a place for you? 3. And if I would go, then I shall prepare a place for you. I am coming again and I shall take you along with Me, (Exodus 6:7) so that where I AM you would also be.
*Excerpted from the One New Man Bible Companion
So precious. This rings so true to me. Wealth for me is in Jesus dwelling in me and with me and I in Him and with Him and experiencing the delight of communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So dwelling places just makes my heart sing. Amen!
Shalom Anna,
Yes! You hit the Truth button!
Blessings, Bill
It’s almost like all the Christians don’t want there to be mansions. If heaven is the best place in all existence, why WOULDN’T it have mansions. Just being one house is not as good as being a huge land with multiple houses. You guys are annoying.
Shalom D-Ray,
Thank you for writing. My task was to translate what the biblical authors wrote. it was not to enhance tradition, but bring TRUTH TO THE FORE.
Blessings, Bill
Our individualistic western culture thinks of mansions as the ideal because we all get our own place with everything that we need apart from everyone else. The culture of ancient Israel and even middle eastern culture now is a family living together in a building big enough to house them all and living on their land forever.
Surely, the picture of God having enough room for all of his people to live in his house as his family, dwelling together forever, never having to leave his house as all people had to do eventually (1 Chronicles 16:43) would be the right picture of heaven as we think about God dwelling WITH us.
Shalom Josh,
The word “Mansion” in John 14 is nothing more than a mistranslation, so no meaning can be given to “Mansion.” It is anaccident for faiure to translate the Laiin word “Mansiones.”
Blessings, Bill
but in the latin bible it says in john 14:2 mansiones wich translated into english translates into (mansions) it would have sed something else if the bible meant something else
Oh, so your telling me that God doesn’t have what it takes to make us a mansion in Heaven? When did God become a tight wad or a cheapskate?
Shalom Joe,
Thank you for writing. You have missed the point. One New Man Bible translates what was written. The word Mansion is from the Latin text, not the Greek. That Latin word, Mansiones, does not mean Mansion, which in modern English refers to a very large house. The Latin Mansiones has a primary meaning of staying, tarrying and does not refer to any kind of a house. Read Dwelling Places in Glossary.
Blessings, Bill
People who have experiences of visiting heaven say that they saw mansions. One twelve year old girl named laura wanma said that when the lord took her to heaven, he took her to her own mansions. I think there is no reason to believe otherwise or to disprove mansions in heaven, especially not on account of an etymological technicality.
Shalom Preciosa,
Thank you for writing. My belief is in the Bible, the Scriptures. I know whar people say concerning visits to heaven, but I will hold to the Scriptures.
Blessings, Bill
Shalom Preciosa,
Thank you for writing. My belief is in the Bible, the Scriptures. I know what people say concerning visits to heaven, but I will hold to the Scriptures.
Blessings, Bill
Shalom Preciosa,
Thank you for writing. My belief is in the Bible, the Scriptures. I know what people say concerning visits to heaven, but I believe in Scripture.
Blessings, Bill
“I heard about a mansion, he has built for me in glory,
and I heard about the streets of gold beyond the crystal sea.” – Victory In Jesus, a Classic Hymn
Technically, a mansion IS a dwelling place, so your argument is invalid.
Shalom David,
Although aa mansion is a dwelling place, very few dwelling places are mansions. Stating we will have all have mansions in glory is misleading and untrue.
Blessings, Bill
The Billy Graham website also says “mansion” is a bad translation. The Ancient Romans used the word to mean dwelling or home or abode….. an average ordinary place
Shalom David,
Thank you.
Blessings, Bill