Anokhi is a very powerful Hebrew word translated “I AM.” Usually not translated, so we know nothing about it, Anokhi is very significant.  The basic word translated “I AM” is Ani. Adding the syllable “khi” makes the word a very definite, deliberate action, meaning Because I AM. Rabbi Ben-Yehuda defines this word as “The I of Purpose,” meaning that there is nothing haphazard about what I AM orders in that particular passage. Anokhi is shown in the One New Man Bible with bold type. God uses Anokhi over one hundred times in the Hebrew Scriptures, while He uses Ani several hundreds of times. Some of the verses using Anokhi are listed below. For each of these God says, “I AM” and does so with great and intense purpose. Read these verses and remember that God put extra emphasis in each of them, and that He has determined to be your shield, to be with you, to be your Savior, to erase your transgressions and not remember your sins. See Sins, forgiveness of elsewhere in this Glossary.

The Anokhi is referred to three times in New Testament writing: Matt. 22:32, Mk. 12:26, and Acts 7:32. These all refer to the same verse in the Hebrew Scriptures, Exodus 3:6, And he said, I AM the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.

Here is just one example:

Genesis 15: 1. After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying Do not be in awe, Abram! I AM your Shield! Your reward will be exceedingly great.

God is determined to be your shield, too.