Guard Your Tongue! Do not repeat evil speech of others!

Ephesians 5:12. For it is dishonorable even to say the things that are done by them in secret, 13. but all things are exposed, being revealed under the light, 14. for everything is revealed in light.

We are in a time when Evil is being exposed, but even though supposedly protected, whistleblowers in the government are being persecuted. They are being persecuted despite having laws that protect whistleblowers; the powerful people and organizations being exposed have enough power to persecute anyway. The whistleblowers are performing a great service to the country so we need many more to come forth. On the other hand, there are many in public life and in the media who make every effort to mislead, telling bald-faced lies to make opponents look bad and themselves to look good. See Gossip/Slander in Glossary.

Everyone needs to have David’s attitude:

Psalm 39:2. I said, I shall take heed to my Ways so I do not sin with my tongue. While the wicked is before me I shall keep my mouth with a bridle.

The whistleblowers provide a much-needed service to the country, while those who are exposed twist, distort, and tell lies to discredit the whistleblower. Many times the media defend the exposed evil-doers and join in the discrediting of the Good Guys.

John 3:19. Now the judgment is this, that the Light has come into the world and people loved the darkness rather than the Light (John 1:5): for their works were evil. 20. For everyone doing wicked things hates the Light and does not come to the Light, so that his deeds would not be exposed. 21. But the one who does truth comes to the Light, so that his works would be revealed because they were worked through God.

Ephesians 5:12. For it is dishonorable even to say the things that are done by them in secret, 13. but all things are exposed, being revealed under the light, 14. for everything is revealed in light.

So, guard your tongue, seek Truth, not repeating any slander or gossip. If you read a newspaper or listen to network news you will hear slander. Do not repeat it.