The One New Man Bible

The Jewish Roots of Christianity come to life in The One New Man Bible.

“[Bill Morford] has uncovered things that will literally make your understanding of the scriptures go to a whole new level. He has recaptured the Jewish roots.”

Sid Roth

Founder, Messianic Vision, Host of TV's "It's Supernatural!"

Why The One New Man Bible?

  • Brings a greater understanding of and appreciation for the power given to believers for their daily walk.
  • Brings out much of the power that has commonly been omitted from traditional English translations.
  • The Jewish Roots of Christianity come to life in The One New Man Bible!

How is The One New Man Bible different from other translations?

  • Scripture translated with the power and meaning of the original language intact comes alive! For example, one early surprise is in Genesis 12:1 when God tells Abram to leave Ur of the Chadlees, He does not just say “Go” to Abram, but “Get yourself out of here!” Later He tells Moses to order Pharaoh to “Send My people away!” instead of pleading “Let My people go.” These passages are the literal translation from the Hebrew.
  • The One New Man Bible includes more than 4,000 footnotes and the massive 170 page Glossary describes various first century Jewish customs and explains Hebrew Scriptures, such as Leviticus 14, which on the surface is about cleansing a leper, but has a much deeper meaning.
  • Many Jewish sources were studied to bring the Scriptures to life, including many modern as well as ancient Jewish commentaries. Those studies bring real depth to the subjects in the Glossary, but even more importantly they give insight into the thinking of the New Testament authors, the Apostles, and especially Y’shua. It is important for those of us reading in the twenty-first century to understand what a word or expression meant to those who wrote the passages in Bible times.
  • The Torah, the first five books of the One New Man Bible, is divided into weekly readings over the course of a year. These weekly readings coincide with the weekly Scriptures every synagogue in the world will be reading each Sabbath.
  • The New Testament of the One New Man Bible was translated into English from the United Bible Society’s Fourth Edition Greek text, which employs Textual Criticism to determine which of the more than five thousand ancient Greek manuscripts of the New Testament were closest to what the authors wrote in the first century.
  • Some words have been translated differently because the traditional translation conveys something not intended by the author. One of those words is the Greek word Ekklesia, which means a gathering of citizens called out from their homes into some public place. Implicit in Ekklesia is a summoning, so this is not just a collection of people, but people called out to a public meeting for a particular purpose. Ekklesia is commonly translated church in other English translations, but because of our association of church with both a building and an organization, in this translation, Ekklesia is translated congregation. Another example is the Greek word Nomos, which has nearly always been translated Law, even when used for the Hebrew word Torah. Torah does not mean Law. It means Teaching. When you see Torah in this translation, do not think Law, but of the Loving God teaching His children, offering an outline to guide them for a better way of life.
  • This translation has as its goal to be a very readable text that flows from one book to another while preserving much of the Jewish flavor, especially the Jewishness of Y’shua, and much of the power in the Hebrew and Greek expressions.

Every chapter and verse of this translation is full of delightful surprises! We have Rev. Morford to thank for his dedication to the preservation of the original meanings of Hebrew and Greek words, and to presenting us with the original emotional tones and expressions that were intended to accompany the text. You will not find another translation that so powerfully reveals the “decisive and authoritative” aspect of our creator AND His “tender and relational” characteristics as well. If you have been reading Latin based translations, you must read the ONE NEW Man Bible . Be prepared for a fresh encounter with a very powerful, very loving creator. You must read this Bible!

Mandy Grubbs

Best bible I have ever purchased to date! Have been reading the different bibles (New Amer. Standard, NIV, etc.) for 38 years, this is the most awesome and up to date bible I have ever read. It helps so much to have the commentaries from a Jewish perspective. It gives you such a new understanding of what the meanings of many of the Jewish traditions are. For those of us who have no background in Jewish laws or traditions, it is a whole new world. Thank you so much to William J. Morford for your insight and work. I love this bible!!! – See more at:


This is a wonderful bible that explains in foot notes Jewish roots of words or bible passages like no other bible I have read. A must have for those who want a deeper understanding of God’s word!


Why the name “One New Man”?

Let’s read Ephesians 2:14:

olive-branch“For He is our peace, the One Who has made both things into one and Who has loosed the dividing wall of the fence, cause of the enmity to His flesh, 15. by His nullifying the tradition of the commandments by decrees, so that He could create the two, Jewish and non-Jewish, into One New Man, establishing peace 16. so He could reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, as God killed their enmity by means of Y’shua. 17. And when He came He proclaimed the Good News of peace to you, to those far away, and peace to those near: 18. because through Him we both have the introduction to the Father by means of one Spirit. 19. Therefore then, you are no longer aliens and strangers, but you are fellow citizens of the saints and members of the household of God, 20. building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Messiah Y’shua being His cornerstone, 21. in Whom the whole building being constructed is being fit together into a holy sanctuary in the Lord, 22. and in Whom you are built together into a habitation of God by the Spirit.”

This passage, a letter originally written to Gentiles and former heathens, tells us that all are to worship the Living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, The King of the Universe, the God Who became flesh and walked among us.


Why should Believers read The One New Man Bible?

The One New Man Bible will help the Church understand and appreciate its Jewish Roots, and finally recognize that Y’shua (Jesus) was born Jewish, that He grew up Jewish, and that He is the same today as He was then.

Readers will understand that the Scriptures Y’shua, and every New Testament author, embraced (irreverently called Old Testament by the Church) are alive and relevant for believers today. As a proof of God’s perfect plan for His perfect Word, readers will discover that Matthew flows, as if a continuous stream, out of the book of Chronicles. Only God could have done this!

The One New Man Bible has been written to help present day believers move toward God’s perfect plan to create One New Man, bringing Jewish and non-Jewish together.

The Hebrew Scriptures are in the traditional Jewish book order, and although different from the Christian book order, it is easy to learn the sequence. This Bible is very easy to read through, Genesis to Revelation.


ONMB 3D Leather gold 340x340The One New Man Bible is available in these formats:

The SL edition of the One New Man Bible is beautifully finished with gold embossing on maroon synthetic leather cover, gilded page edges and maroon satin placeholder ribbon. These Bibles have Smyth-sewn bindings for a lifetime of use! This edition of the One New Man Bible makes a wonderful gift or personal daily Bible.


One New Man Bible Hardcover

The sturdy and economic hardcover edition of the One New Man Bible is printed and bound in the same size, text and quality paper the synthetic leather bound edition, but with a durable hardcover binding. Great for daily use as a personal or group study Bible!


ONM Eversion 340x340

The One New Man Bible is available on the Kindle store, in Apple iBooks and in PDF format! Perfect for your Kindle reader, iPad, Nook and all other tablet and smart phone readers. The PDF version is perfect for reading on your computer!

Order your One New Man Bible today, or give it as a gift to a family member, special friend or pastor.

It will change the way you read the Bible!