Leprosy in a House

Lev. 14:33 concerns leprosy in a house. This seems strange, but they had a good reason for relating the infection in a building to the infection in a person. Both conditions were caused by microorganisms, which were unknown until the invention of the microscope late...

Saul’s Two Year Reign

Saul’s Two Year Reign, stated in 1 Samuel 13:1. In the first year of Saul’s reign, after he became king, and he reigned two years over Israel.. Since this conflicts with Acts 13:21. And afterward they asked for a king and God gave them Saul son of Kish, a man from the...


TRUTH or TRADITION Many words of both Hebrew and Greek are often translated by tradition. The One New Man Bible strives to translate all correctly, valuing truth more than tradition. Several examples of the literal translation are given here. Genesis 7.1. And the...

God of Relationship Part I

God of Relationship. This God we serve desires real relationship with each one of His children. This is a relationship that stretches our imaginations to reach the levels to which He is calling each one of us. Rather than just talk about it, read the following verses:...

God of Relationship Part II

These expand our relationship: 1 Chr. 17: 12. He will build a House for Me and I shall establish his throne forever. 13. I shall be his Father, and he will be My son (Heb. 1:5) and I shall not take My loving kindness away from him, as I took it from the one, Saul, who...

Gentile, Glossary Article

Gentile is a word that is not used in this New Testament because the Greek word often translated gentile means heathen. Gentile is actually the English spelling of the Latin word for heathen, gentilis, so other translators have for centuries chosen the politically...